
Youth Leadership - a Modern View: Republican Leaders Forum in Minsk

The Republican Leaders Forum in Minsk, which is taking place on January 16-17, has become a platform for the exchange of experience and ideas among young leaders. 345 winners and prize winners of republican and international competitions, festivals and projects are taking part in it.

Brest State Technical University is represented by Darya Kasperovich, a student of the Faculty of Engineering Systems and Ecology, Anna Telipko, a student of the Faculty of Economics, Yegor Bartoshuk, a student of the Faculty of Electronic Information Systems, Yulia Kovalevskaya, a student of the Faculty of Economics, Alla Osipova, a student of the Faculty of Electronic Information Systems.

"Working youth who won professional skills competitions, and those guys who are winners of intellectual, sports, and creative competitions have gathered here to discuss what proposals and initiatives our youth has today for the further development of Belarus." - noted the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus Andrei Ivanovich Ivanets

The organizers - the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus - prepared a rich program for the children. The youth worked in five thematic sections: "Youth: the route to the future", "Under the sign of quality", "Your move: prohibition cannot be allowed", "I am the leader of the movement" and "Youth. Sports. Creativity"

"The main goal is for the youth to make a conscious choice, compare it not with the denial of what previous generations did, but so that they build a position for the development of our country, strengthening its power, economic, creative potential" - Igor Vasilyevich Karpenko, Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Belarus

The forum participants discussed achievements and prospects in education, educational innovations and the development of dialogue in this area. The main emphasis was on finding new approaches to the development of the education system and identifying opportunities for the further growth of young specialists. The key event of the forum was the show program "Time has chosen us!"

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