
Happy Belarusian Science Day!

Dear teachers, employees, postgraduates, master's students and students of Brest State Technical University!

Congratulations on the Belarusian Science Day!

This holiday is a tribute to all those who dedicate their lives to research, discovery of new knowledge and development of our society.

Today, science plays a key role in the progress of the country, and we are proud that the works and inventions of scientists of Brest State Technical University make a worthy contribution to the creation and development of the intellectual potential of the Republic of Belarus and have been awarded numerous awards by the world scientific community.

We are confident that thanks to your work and enthusiasm, Belarus will continue to move forward, strengthening its position in the international arena as a country with high scientific potential.

We wish you new discoveries, creative success and inspiration in your work! May every day bring new ideas and opportunities for the realization of your scientific ambitions!

Rector's Office

© 2022 Brest State Technical University

Адрес: ул.Московская 267, 224017, Брест, Республика Беларусь
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Телефоны: +375 162 32-17-32 (приемная ректора), +375 162 32-17-76 (приемная комиссия)
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